Alpha Phi Omega Chapter meeting February 26, 1962

Present; Popple, Farrow, Tuttle (Alden), Ryan, Obue, Haynes, Cheren, Wilkinson, Cleveland, Johnson, Rosenbaum, Lilly, Thomas, Johnson, Nowill.

  1. The second regular meeting of Alpha Phi Omega was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by President Jim Farrow in the Middlesex room of the student union.
  2. The secretary's report was read and accepted
  3. Fellowship committee - Cheren
    The committee is planning an off-campus party at the home of a married member of APO.
  4. Treasurer
    There is presently $31.32 in the treasury.  Brother Haynes asked what had happened to the Chapter room fund.  Jack announced that he would get together with past Treasurer Lorin Johnson to find out about.
    Chapter dues are now due.
  5. Book Exchange -- Jack
    Payments for books sold will close this week.
  6. Small School Basketball Tournament -- Haynes
    Lorin Johnson volunteered to organize members to man the lost and found.  Names were taken.
  7. Chapter Banquet-- Farrow
    Mike Belanger has informed us that the Lord Jeff would be available on the afternoon of May 12 for our banquet.  The cost will be $3.10 for Roast Beef Dinner.
  8. Smoker -- Obue
    Next smoker with the Monday, March 5 at the Berkshire room Dean Field will be main speaker.
  9. Executive committee - Farrow
    The Executive Committee recommends that the Chapter elect William Burkhardt to honorary membership.
  10. Book exchange -- Lilly
    Mr. Lilly requests that the unclaimed books be removed from his office.  Jack said this would be done.
  11. New business

  12. Honorary membership for William Burkhardt -- Executive Committee
    The Executive Committee's recommendation to elect William Burkhardt to honorary membership was passed.
  13. National Convention Fund -- Farrow
    The possibility of establishing a convention fund was discussed.  It was decided to hold up action pending the regional convention outcome.
  14. Coat Checking -- Haynes
    Eight checkers are needed for March 10.
  15. Amherst Community Fair - Tuttle
    Paul Nowill volunteered to represent APO at the fair committee meetings.
  16. Executive Committee - Farrow
    The Executive Committee recommends special recognition for Jonathan Tuttle.  A committee appointed to look into the matter.  Dick Haynes as chairman, members are Popple, Jack, Cheren, and Tryba  A motion to have the committee form a policy for all awards was defeated.
  17. Book exchange -- Jack
    A motion was made and passed that the chapter operate the book exchange this fall.
  18. UN week - Cleveland
    Progress on UN Week was announced (see attached).  A committee for the week was formed with Tryba as chairman and Nowill, Johnson, Mitchell, Wilkinson, and Cleveland as members.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Lawrence Popple
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes